Yesterday Chap and I headed off to the main part of Fontmell Down Nature Reserve, which is run by Dorset Wildlife Trust and situated about 5 km south of Shaftesbury in Dorset. Fontmell Down is a spur of chalk downland jutting out above the Blackmore Vale. The spur is bisected by two cross dykes, landscape features that are likely to date from the Middle Bronze Age. We visit this reserve often, but it is at its beautiful best this time of the year, we reckon. Click on all photos to embigggen/bigify.
The orchids are out and within a few minutes of being on the reserve we’d seen five different species: bee, common spotted, fragrant, pyramidal and the greater butterfly orchid.
Viper’s bugloss (Echium vulgare) is such a pretty flower. It is a glorious blue, and beloved of moths and butterflies and bees. It doesn’t grow very high on the thin soil of the chalk downland, but I have seen it growing up to about 80 cm tall.
We also saw milkworts (Polygala sp.) in pink and in blue, and the wonderfully vibrant flowers of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus). We always called this ‘the eggs and bacon plant’ when we were kids, for obvious reasons!
There were also the enormous seedheads of goatsbeard (Tragopogon pratensis), like dandelion clocks on steroids. Goatsbeard flowers only open on sunny mornings, so the flower gained the charming folk name of Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon.
It was a rather blustery day, so we didn’t see too many butterflies, but we did see some fritillaries and a rather tatty painted lady (Vanessa cardui), as well as various blues and skippers.
We also saw this chap – isn’t he wonderful? No idea what he is.
The beautiful down has a deep coombe on its southern side, Longcombe Bottom, with ravens flying over, cronking their atmospheric calls
and there are stunning views to the south-west across the Blackmore Vale:
We also walked on down to a chalk pit hollow nearby, where there was the best show of orchids. Just common spotted and pyramidal, but so beautiful.
A water pipeline has recently been built across the reserve, and it was interesting to see the different flowers that have popped up in the disturbed area: lots of oilseed rape and common poppies and thistles, whereas the undisturbed land was mainly cow parsley and nettles.
The northern cross dyke had more orchids than on the other parts of the down, because the ditch provides a sheltered microclimate.
A beautiful thistle. Not sure which kind, but what a gorgeous colour.
Oh, my goodness, you are making an ex-Pom Tasmanian extremely homesick..
Hi Lindsey … so sorry for inadvertently triggering that in you – not my intention at all! Perhaps next time I should post the photos with a big black bar and ‘censored’!? If you’re from my neck of the woods (Wilts, Dorset, Somerset mainly) and want to see a particular place, drop me a line and I’ll see if we can manage a Sunday stroll there for you by proxy. And Tasmania is so beautiful too – The Last Confession Of Alexander Pearce is one of my favourite films. Stunning scenery (but a rather grim story, no?)